Global Initiative
Future of FCC Missions
After much prayer and heart searching, FCC has decided to expand our Global focus. After 25 years of ministry, we are in a position to use our influence to create opportunities and awareness to participate and partner with causes that will promote Social Justice around the world while allowing us to stay true to our mission of the Great Commission. We have created a clear strategy based on the biblical game plan of Acts 1:8 which is to spread the gospel to "Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the utmost parts of the earth..."
Our Jerusalem involves expanded ministry here in the USA. If faithful church attendance was considered going to church two times a month, then only 4% of teens today would fall into that group. We are only 4% away from the next generation not understanding the importance of a relationship with Christ. With that in mind FCC and Impact have decided to expand our Jerusalem beyond our summer camp ministry in several areas:
Impact Inner City Outreach:
Impact will be joining with churches and schools who are committed to partnering together to offer cheerleading related activities in an effort to reach these future leaders. While society continues to ignore these less fortunate, we feel compelled to use the platform we are passionate about to reach out to these children.
Donations earmarked specifically for this project will go directly to scholarship Inner City children with camp tuition, program fees, and competition expenses. We have also started an Impact Cheerleading recycling program that will allow participating churches and schools to donate their uniforms each season back to Impact to be distributed directly to these inner city programs. It is our desire to one day see teams from the inner city represented at camps and competitions as a result of generous individuals being open to God's leading in their lives.
Our Judea and Samaria consist of short term mission trips in the areas just outside the USA such as Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, Puerto Rica, Dominican Republic, and a few other countries. These trips have been established to use a combination of FCC staff, coaches, and high school cheerleaders to spread the gospel through cheer clinics and camps. This will also expose the mission field to those attending.
Donations earmarked specifically for this project will go directly to individuals who will be answering the call to short term mission trips. You will have an option to donate specifically to an individual's account or directly to the project. It is our desire to assemble a team of staffers, coaches, and cheerleaders to do ministry commencing the summer of 2011. We hope one day to implement an "Adopt a Cheerleader" program from the children attending camps each summer. This will allow you to directly invest in the life of one of the campers who will be attending camp.
Our uttermost parts of the world consist of three additional areas of outreach:
Short Term Mission Trips to the regions beyond those areas that is close in proximity to the USA. We will continue our 18 year ministry foundation that has been established in the Czech Republic. We will also continue our relationships in Slovenia and Croatia. These trips have been successful because of the obedience of the many FCC instructors and coaches who have answered the call over the years and the generous support of FCC friends. One of the goals of this initiative will be to try and underwrite the air travel for this trip each year. This is the largest expenditure and will allow us to continue to provide quality instructors to these camps.
Donations earmarked specifically for this project will go directly to individuals who will be answering the call to these short term mission trips. You will have an option to donate specifically to an individual's account or directly to the project.
Support of FCC Full Time Missionaries who have answered the call to serve. This listing will consist of FCC Staffers, FCC Coaches, and FCC Campers who are currently serving in foreign countries. Each of these missionaries will have a short bio and their story.
Donations earmarked specifically for this project will go directly to individual who is serving on the mission field. You will have an option to donate specifically to an individual's account or directly to the project or group as a whole.
Social Justice Partnerships: We will continue to form partnerships with those organizations that are providing aid to those individuals who are less fortunate in an effort to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. We will be providing information on these organizations as a way to provide public awareness. Through this awareness I know that God will provide the much needed relief in these situations. I John 3:16-17 says "By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?"
3 Ways to Get Involved in the FCC Global Initiative:
- Pray
- Give
- Go
Matthew 28:18-20 "And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, 'All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.'"